Lelantus Prime

Lelantus Prime

Friday, November 15, 2013

Vox communiqué incoming……

Run signal verification protocols………

Signal verified as 10th company captain Amyklas
We have contacted forc [Communication garbled, squelch servitor activated] mon engine was destroyed, losses included scout squads alpha and gamma as well as land speede [Communication garbled, boost protocols enacted]am wounded but have determined that the heretics intend to strike an abandoned manufactorum a few klicks to the north-west. The remaining scouts and I are heading there to defend the best we can. Request drop pod support.

Communiqué terminated…..

Processing request……

Send request to command bridge……

Receiving reply…….

3rd company captain Cleomenes approved deploying of tactical squad “Hoplon” by drop pod……

Record that drop pod containing tactical squad has been dispatched to planet Lelantus….

Vox communiqué incoming……

Run signal verification protocols………

Signal verified as 10th company captain Amyklas

[Communication garbled, aligning antenna] rly wounded, squad Hoplon held against great odds, suffering severe casualties by the appearance of a daemon from the warp they withdrew to hold at the drop pod, their fate is unknown at this time. Scouts preformed their duty, slowing the advance of the traitors but were unable to withdraw before being assaulted. Left arm is burned to the bone by plasma fire. While the heretics did not have enough forces left to secure the Manufcatorum, they were able to reach it. If I survive, I will submit myself to the pain glove in penance of my failure.

Communiqué terminated…..

Processing communiqué……

Send communiqué to command bridge……

Vox communiqué sent to Battle Barge Corinth……

Receiving reply…….

Sending reply to 10th company captain Amyklas

Battle Barge Corinth is proceeding to Planet Lelantus to aid in the destruction of the Chaos uprising, Lord Moloc has been informed of the situation.

Communiqué terminated…..

Dramatis Personae

The Minotaurs:
Captain Amyklas - 10th Company Captain, Master of Recruits

The Crimson Fists:
Captain Ramon Guerrero - 5th Company Captain

Lelantus PDF:
Lt. Insschard - 3rd Lelantus PDF recon platoon
Primaris Torryn - Primaris Psyker

The Black Legion:
Warpsmith Forneus - Architect of the Black Talon, Champion of Tzeentch
Valac the Warpborn - Sorcerer

Thursday, October 31, 2013

            There was a time, the word-weavers say, when our planet was a thing of beauty.  Plants grew tall and healthy, the cool air drifted over the hills and valleys, and the Golden Cities were still full of life and activity. 
            Back then the Emperor, beloved by all, saw our beauty and granted us the greatest gift; ascension into his Imperium.  The stories say that he even walked upon the surface of Lelantus.  We joined his crusade into the stars above, bringing with us the ample food of our fertile planet to feed the multitudinous masses that followed in His wake. 
            Then came the Time of Darkness, when those most loyal to the most beneficent Emperor turned against him.  For us it was the Time of Tests.  Vile ones set foot upon our planet, tainting it with their very presence.  At the time to rise up against these traitors, we failed.  Cowering in our golden halls we let evil take our planet. 
            At the triumph of good, when the greatest of evils was cast down, those traitors still on our planet fled into the void to escape holy vengeance. 
We too were made to answer for our sins. The Time of Penance had come, and our sun spat and roared in response to the anger of the Emperor at our cowardice.  The sky turned red, storms roared across the planet, and the power of our angry sun scorched the land. 
            Now we live not in golden cities, but concrete hab blocks.  We hide from the light of the Emperor, for we are not worthy.  We can only pray for forgiveness and suffer the Time of Penance until our salvation is delivered.

-Reflections Upon Damnation - High Priest Kar Icarus